Robot fish first introduced to London Aquarium in April 2006. Creator Huosheng Hu is Professor of Essex University. However, when the robot-robot fish, which was created solely for the purposes of entertainment.
Pollution happens everywhere. Not only the air, the sea has also become a target man is not responsible. If that is done continuously, global warming will run faster. That is, the earth we will be damaged more quickly as well. To menangkalnya, many have created a robot-robot fish that can detect pollution in water.
Recently, Professor Hu Huosheng upgrade the fish. Using the same concept of a robot, Professor Hu Huosheng now add features pendeteksi pollution on ikannya.
Currently, eight robots are removed to the Bay of Biscay in Gijon. The cost of the used GBP 20 thousand or equivalent to Rp 340 million. Program a robot fish that are part of the partnership between the three-year consulting engineering firm BMT Group and Essex University.
Fish-shaped robot is gurami measuring 1.5 meters long. He has a chemical sensor that can detect ships, fuel and chemicals in the water. Robot is driven battery that can stand for eight hours. Terrible, the fish robot can move without having to use the remote control.
According to Professor Hu Huosheng, robot fish that have a different work to prevent pollution. Namely, tracking the source of the spread of it. If the experiment is successful, the robot will diterjunkan in various parts of the world to do the same mission.
It's interesting that the statement issued Rory Doyle, senior scientist of the BMT Group, which developed the fish robotik together with researchers from the University of Essex. There are many reasons why they are more interested in making fish-shaped robot developed Bawal than conventional submarine.
"By using the fish robotik, we develop a design center that made the process of evolution are hundreds of millions of years with a very energy efficient," he said somewhat archly.
"Efficiency is a thing that we need to ensure that pollution detection sensor can be set under the water for the environment for hours," Rory supplement. Robot that can operate independently, and is designed to explore the oceans. Fish cool in the wall hold eight hours. According to the plan, they will be released for 18 years. Robotik fish that will send the information to land. Media perantaranya use wi-fi technology.