
Robot fish first

Robot fish first introduced to London Aquarium in April 2006. Creator Huosheng Hu is Professor of Essex University. However, when the robot-robot fish, which was created solely for the purposes of entertainment.

Pollution happens everywhere. Not only the air, the sea has also become a target man is not responsible. If that is done continuously, global warming will run faster. That is, the earth we will be damaged more quickly as well. To menangkalnya, many have created a robot-robot fish that can detect pollution in water.

Recently, Professor Hu Huosheng upgrade the fish. Using the same concept of a robot, Professor Hu Huosheng now add features pendeteksi pollution on ikannya.

Currently, eight robots are removed to the Bay of Biscay in Gijon. The cost of the used GBP 20 thousand or equivalent to Rp 340 million. Program a robot fish that are part of the partnership between the three-year consulting engineering firm BMT Group and Essex University.

Fish-shaped robot is gurami measuring 1.5 meters long. He has a chemical sensor that can detect ships, fuel and chemicals in the water. Robot is driven battery that can stand for eight hours. Terrible, the fish robot can move without having to use the remote control.

According to Professor Hu Huosheng, robot fish that have a different work to prevent pollution. Namely, tracking the source of the spread of it. If the experiment is successful, the robot will diterjunkan in various parts of the world to do the same mission.

It's interesting that the statement issued Rory Doyle, senior scientist of the BMT Group, which developed the fish robotik together with researchers from the University of Essex. There are many reasons why they are more interested in making fish-shaped robot developed Bawal than conventional submarine.

"By using the fish robotik, we develop a design center that made the process of evolution are hundreds of millions of years with a very energy efficient," he said somewhat archly.

"Efficiency is a thing that we need to ensure that pollution detection sensor can be set under the water for the environment for hours," Rory supplement. Robot that can operate independently, and is designed to explore the oceans. Fish cool in the wall hold eight hours. According to the plan, they will be released for 18 years. Robotik fish that will send the information to land. Media perantaranya use wi-fi technology.

Apple for iMac, Mac Mini, dan Mac Pro

The wheel of the Apple Inc innovation continued to move. After renewing the product laptop in 2008, currently the turn of the computer desktop. Apple Inc made an announcement released iMac, Mac Mini, and Mac Pro the newest version.

The achievement of three products was it was claimed far more better than the version beforehand. However, the selling price of this new product was cheaper. The striking change from iMac newest that was the dimension layar. iMac famous with the screen 20 inch. Currently he is again born with the shape 24 inch. The difference is, the price of the product 24 inch was the same as the generation beforehand. That is, USD 1,499 (around Rp 18 million).
Spesifikasi New iMac

Layar 24 inci : widescreen 1.920 x 1.200 pixel

Prosesor Core 2 Duo 3,06GHz, 4GB DDR3

Memori 4GB of 1066MHz DDR3

RAM 640GB atau 1TB Serial ATA HD

Opsi nVidia GeForce 9400M atau nVidia GeForce GT 130 atau ATI Radeon HD 4850.

Layar 20 inci: prosesor Intel Core 2 Duo 2,66GHz

RAM DDR3 sebesar 2GB

Hard disk (HD) Serial ATA 320GB

nVidia GeForce 9400M

Technology RITI Printer with Coffee as Ink

RITI printer was printer that was environment-friendly, that had the concept of the modern ink system, Ink became the focus in the concept printer this, because of being regarded as one of the problems in used printer. Like the Difficulty in replacing ink, one of them was expensive and could stain the hands when his handling was wrong.

Sophisticated and friendly the pocket and no longer the main condition of a technological product. There is other the criterion that must be filled. That is, environment-friendly. That continued to be speeded up to prevent earth damage. For that reason also, RITI was made. This Printer no longer uses electricity to operate.

The use printer RITI really found it easy. The user was enough to put coffee grounds in cartridge that located on the top printer. After paper was put -used recycling paper more it was recommended-, the user really moved cartridge in the future and behind to print an article. Because of being moved the manual, electricity energy then no longer is used.

Possibly, the method was somewhat busy, but could save consumption of energy. This breakthrough also gave the other solution to the user printer. That is, complicated during the repeated or frightened of buying the false product contents.

Because of functioning with menggerakan the tube of ink, then printer this did not use electricity completely and as his addition was fragrant the coffee powder and tea will be somewhat implied on paper.

The bottle drank was the Cellular Phone

The bottle drank was Ponsel Last week Mobile World Congress 2009 was held in Barcelona, Spain. The producers of the upper plank cellular phone again and again made use of the agenda to release the newest product. The global crisis might strike, but the product just continued to have to emerge, didn't it?The bottle drank evidently could be used talked on the telephone.

The Samsung Blue Earth cellular phone was made from recycling plastic produced by the extraction of the bottle of the drink. On the side behind the sailing cellular phone touched that was gotten the solar power panel. The function is, decisive was available the adequate power so as the cellular phone was ready to be used from time to time. Any fitur him? Apparently, there is bluetooth and the camera. Deliberate was added by words apparently because till at this time Samsung did not yet explain fitur complete Blue Earth.