Two smartphonebaru Apple, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus delayed its launch in China. That makes Apple's new device into the country illegally. Later, the black market price of the iPhone in China has decreased.
The importer iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus unofficial in China are forced to lower the selling price. Therefore, the demand for the latest Apple smartphone two has declined.
According lapiran The New York Times on Monday (09/29/2014), the price of the iPhone 6 contraband at the time of its release could be sold between 1,950 to 2,440 dollars it is now down to 1,060 to 1,430 dollars alone.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus forced launched recently in China because of Apple licensing constraints facing the country's telecommunications regulator.
But it does not make sense kehilanagan consumers. Many of those who bought the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in other countries and then brought back to China and sell it back.
Many methods used to smuggle iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus to China. One of the importers used the dark mode is to put it in a cake box packaging.
However, there are still many Apple customers in China who wait for Apple to market the new iPhone officially. They hope to get it at a cheaper price.
Apple's iPhone sales alone claims 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in some countries has exceeded 10 million units within 72 hours after its release.
In Indonesia, two of Apple's latest device is scheduled to go on sale before the end of this year.