
Info Stimulated the Sex Passion with Microchip

As far as this is concerned this technology was used in the United States but for the aim of treating the Parkinson illness. In several last months of the concentrating scientists in the brain region behind the eyes that were acknowledged as the cortex orbitofrontal. This area was related to the happy feeling that came from the activity as eating and sex.

One chip that could stimulate the sexual passion was being developed by ilmuwan. chip that will be buried in the head and the electrode him will produce the electric shock was very small to stimulate the certain area in the brain.

A survey research that was carried out by Morten Kringelbach from the Oxford route of University psychiatry, found that the cortex orbitofrontal the possibility could become the new stimulasion target to help the sufferer anhedonia or the inability felt the enjoyment from the activity as eating and sex.

The findings were reported in the Nature Reviews Neuroscience journal. The professor of the nerves operation, the Aziz Trick, suggested: was "gotten by proof that chip this will function." from kapanlagi.com Several years ago the scientist buried this equipment to the brain of an inactive woman sexually and he changed to the very active woman sexually. He did not like the sudden change so as the implement was in his head lifted.