
Chaos, Lightweight Robot with Various Features

WORKING with the same human robot growing. In addition to entertainment and industry, collaboration is also done in the field of military. One of the robot is called Chaos. Military robots were created to assist the work of the dust weight.

Chaos is designed to ease the task of soldiers. Specifically, reducing the risk when entering dangerous areas. Chaos Robot first introduced and used in the Cobra Gold series of operations. Operation is the cooperation of several countries. Namely, the United States, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Japan.

Robot is capable of operating in the field-field weight. Among other things, a steep plateau or even on the surface of the land that is less stable. Chaos has a four-wheel independent tracks that can be changed directions to 360 degrees.

Chaos can also go through the plateau is not flat. This is possible because of the unique features in the robot. Namely, the ability to change the way round the wheel, roll, and keep running even in shaky situations.

Chaos can also be enabled for some things. That is, make a cordon, search for victims or the enemy hiding spot, take the subject in the field opposite, and used as penyuplai logistics.

Chaos has a large cargo capacity. It can carry loads up to 50 pounds or about 25 kilograms. Lengannya-arm can be moved up to a maximum distance to reach 72 inches or approximately 182.9 cm.

In addition, the robot does not like in general, Chaos is designed with a relatively small size. Bobotnya also be calculated quite mild. With the weight, Chaos can be easily moved. Both use the vehicle and transported two people. Simple shapes that facilitate the storage, maintenance, and repair.

Chaois equipped with the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) compatible software. Destination ditambahkannya device so that the robot is easily modified. The addition of various sensors or equipment robotik can also be done easily.