
Technology 4G

Equipment technology information mobile that was trend at this time was technology 3G. but tahukaha you, that this technology must in a moment compete with technology 4G. One of the characteristics khasi technology 4G this was all the network already akanberbasis IP.

Teknologi that was used was internet technology teleponmenggunakan Session Initiation Protocol (FANTASTIC). This SIP technology was developed by the Engineering Task Force Internet (IETF). SIPmenjadi the standard that ‘open’ so as all the human resources all over the world could mengambil‘source code’, and mengimplementasikan him directly free.

Contohyang real from the implementation of the telephone of the centre 4G this was VoIP Rakyat. When this technology has diimplementasikan, then not cellular phones berbasisGSM with fitur 3G that will be popular. (sumber: infokomputer, Onno W. Purbo) However the use laptop-laptop yangtelah was equipped wi-fi and softphone (skype, x-lite, and sjphone) would lebihoptimal. For the user PDA that has been equipped wi-fi, PDA could digunakansebagai Pre- 4G phone. Softphone that could be used for PDA this kind adalahsjphone for PPC. IPAQ the version 69 could have been used for the need pre4Gini. Equipment mobile other.