
IBM Next Five in Five

IBM predicted, there were five ino-vasi that changed the human way of life in five years to de-pan. Launched through website res-noodles him, the prediction was ta-hap the three among a series of innovation from IBM Next Five in Five.

IBM Next Five in Five was the potential heterogenous innovation changed our method of working, lived, and playing in time five years came. Through the latest IBM technology, the community's lifestyle will change significantly. Among them, the use of frugal solar power technology energy and communicated with web. Along with this five technologies. Solar power technology In the period five years, solar power will become the choice that was covered.

Nevertheless, the material and the process made the solar power cell (diesel fuel cell) still was too expensive to be used widely. But, now the cost could be pressed with the creation of the solar power cell, thin-film. from jawapos.com The technology was the frugal new cell of kind solar power energy. He also 100 times were thinner than the cell silicon-wafer.