
SMS education to review again

The existence of the SMS Pendidikan Program that was launched since the last two years must be reviewed as a result of the insignificance of the community's participation gave help through this short message.

The concept initially through the SMS of the community's education could contribute after the operator carried out the engineering in relation to giving of the service. Eventually each contribution that was sent through the reduction in the SMS pulse by the technician will be sent by the expression of thanks.

The existence of the contribution through the SMS was the breakthrough in asking the community to give attention, thoughts, criticism and the suggestion, so as they had the contribution in helping increased the quality of education in the area. Uptil now had the world impression of education appeared to become property of the organiser of education, the free community the hands. This that motivated the educational council to put forward this educational SMS.

Only in his implementation the fund that was gathered very minimal and the number was only received during the launching of the program then. Currently the community personally feels very foreign with the program of the educational SMS. Than this program of only a slogan, he considered, will be better when the program of the educational SMS was considered repeated or was renewed by his format.